Stepping into a new life is greatly exciting, terrifying and uncertain. But most of all: it makes you feel alive. Doing something that is emotionally difficult seems so counterintuitive. All my life I have tried so hard to sustain emotionally security and comfort.
It is the default thing that the human mind does. Like a robot. But I understand now why I did this. Because society, the educational system, the political system and culture altogether create this unholy alliance which is rigged against us. It is designed to serve our emotional weakness. Why choose an emotional challenge? Because we are designed to need challenge in order to feel satisfied.
So I decided to leave this ‘vegetable state’ and leave my life in Holland and start a new one. In Italy. It always have been Italy. Since the moment I had my first gelato in San Gimignano. My heart told me to do this. And I am going to listen to this intelligence for a change. Took me 36 years to get to this point. Pretty happy about that!