Someone asked me the other day how life in Italy is like for a highly sensitive person. Thought it was an interesting question. He was convinced that it would be too overwhelming and tiring even because of the hyper caffeinated Italians with their never ending gesticulating when speaking and all the honking and screaming during traffic. He has a point here.
Let me speak my truth here; Although at times it can be a little much for me but for some reason, because I am used to Dutch people maybe (who are the opposite basically) I find it amusing. And with the surroundings of a city like Florence it is all in a beautiful balance. At least for me…
Dont forget to watch this beautiful little clip down below of a gorgeous fountain I spotted in Prato.
Because when I am walking here in the streets, I ALWAYS find una cosa / a thing-small or big- that has something that I need to observe thoroughly and appreciate. Those moments are mine. Those moments are one of the reasons I live here now. Those moments are pure gold…
And those moments are necessary for HSP.
I give you some examples, off the top of my head:
- the way the old man is reading his newspaper carefully sitting on a tiny chair
- the way that child is enjoying his/her gelato (that is: gelato on all the face and fingers)
- the way the barista is preparing with such care your coffee order
- the way they DECORATE their home, public spaces, stores, pasticcerie, bars etc (I tell you; so much cuteness during Christmas time)
- the way that bus driver is flirting with a random woman on the street
- how they protect their outdoor plants during winter by covering it with a ‘blanket’
- when a Fiat 500 in a pastel color passes by and it is terribly cute and small
- dogs and some owners
- how window displays are being used (so fun to watch)
- how you can have an interesting conversation out of the blue with a complete stranger
- the sight and smell of delicious food
- how two lovers are cuddling in public and owning the moment
- any objects like old bikes, doorknobs, gardens, buildings and all the details that take forever to lay eyes upon, window details, doors, a lost bottle of wine with the cork on it in a streetcorner
- flowers in pots
- reflections, shadow and light (how can I forget)
I could go on and on…But for me it gives my day colour. Every. Single. Day
some things I could live without (yes yes, from a HSP perspective:))
- those goddamn cigarettes
- lot of talking about useless topics ( will spare you the details)
- some strong eau de parfum/cologne some spray on (a lot)
- waiting in line when you want to arrange something at the post office
- when there is no street sign and you have no idea where you are
- this is typical Florence for me: many 60+ women stare at you (or give you a dirty look) when you dress ‘different’ or ‘unusual’ or very feminine.
Feel you so much Floor. Loved your writing and explanation on living in Italy as a highly sensitive person. All the experiences, feeling so deeply. But in the end.. there is so much pleasure in that too.
Ah thank you so much for your thoughtful comment Kassandra!Exactly: in the end I feel the highs really outweigh the lows. Life is pretty magical being HS…